
    eSeva Kendra, VC Cabins and Help Desks

    Publish Date: October 1, 2023
    eSeva Kendra, VC Cabins and Help Desks
    1. eSeva Kendra

    The Project of establishment of eSeva Kendras at District Courts and High Courts was conceived and conceptualized by the eCommittee with an objective of leveraging the accessibility of services provided by the eCommittee of Supreme Court under its eCourts related Project and is aimed at strengthening ‘Access to Justice for all’.

    The eSeva Kendra, as the name suggest, are dedicated to and are supposed to serve the common litigant as a one stop centre for all his/her Court related needs. In order to make it more visible, it is envisaged that it shall be strategically located right at the public entry gate accessed by litigants and shall provide every possible assistance to a litigant walking in

    “eSewa Kendra” is established in City Civil Court Complex on 15/05/2020 on a pilot basis and was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Mr. Justice Aravind Kumar, Judge, High Court of Karnataka. eSeva Kendra is situated in the ground floor of new annex building parking area (Near to Judicial Service Center). It was recently revamped as “e-Seva Kendra, Help Desk and V C Cabin”

    “eSewa Kendra” in Commercial Court Complex, Bengaluru is established on 07/02/2021 and situated at 2nd floor of BSNL Building, Telephone House, Rajabhavana Road, Bengaluru.

    These eSeva Kendra’s represent a significant step for the common man and his right to access to justice and enables Litigants and Advocates to obtain various types of services under single roof.

    Services enabled in eSeva Kendra at City Civil Court Complex/Commercial Court Complex
    Sr No Services enabled
    1. Handling inquiries about Case status, Next date of Haring and other details.
    2. Facilitate e-Filing of cases right from the scanning of documents, appending e-Signatures and uploading them in efiling portal.
    3. Provide assistance for payment of Court fees through ePay Portal and purchase of eStamp.
    4. Facilitate online applications for Certified Copies of Court documents and other such filing.
    5. Publicize and assist in downloading eCourtIs mobile app for Android and IOS.
    6. Providing help to apply and obtain Digital/Aadhaar based Signature.
    7. Facilitate in booking e-Mulakat Video conference appointments for meeting relatives in prisons.
    8. Explaining the method of arranging and holding Video Conference Court hearing as per Video Conference Rules framed by High Court of Karnataka.
    9. Registration of Advocates/Party-in-persons in CIS database for enabling SMS service.
    10. Handling queries about location of particular Court halls, its cause list and the status of the cases..
    11. Handling queries about Judges on leave.
    12. Guide people on how to avail free legal services from District Legal Services Authority, High Court Legal Service Committee and Supreme Court Legal Service Committee.
    13. Facilitate disposal of Traffic chalan in Virtual Courts as also online compounding of traffic challans and other petty offences.
    14. Other queries and assistance in respect of services which are digitally available under eCourts project.
    VC Cabin

    4 number of VC cabins are established in side the eSeva kendra situated in the ground floor of City Civil Court Complex, Bengaluru and necessary Hardware’s are installed for the use of Advocates and Litigants in VC cabin’s to carryout Video Conference.

    The VC cabins are inaugurated on 21/06/2023 by the Prl City Civil and Sessions Judge, Bengaluru on the presence of Chief Judge, Court of Small Causes, Bengaluru, Prl District and Sessions Judge, Bengaluru Rural, President and Secretary of Advocate Association, Bengaluru.

    These VC cabins are used as Court point or Remote point to conduct video conference between various Courts in the state/other state.

    Help Desk

    4 number of Help Desks are created in side the eSeva kendra situated in the ground floor of City Civil Court Complex, Bengaluru and necessary Hardware’s are installed in Help Desk for the use of Advocates and Litigants to make eFiling, ePayments and other e-Services enabled under eCourt project.

    The Help Desks are inaugurated on 21/06/2023 by the Prl City Civil and Sessions Judge, Bengaluru on the presence of Chief Judge, Court of Small Causes, Bengaluru, Prl District and Sessions Judge, Bengaluru Rural, President and Secretary of Advocate Association, Bengaluru.